
College of HumanitiesDepartment of Education

  • LocationSeunghak Campus College of Humanities S01-810
  • Tel +82-51-200-7074

Dept. of Education

Introducing our department.

Dong-A University's Department of Education was newly established in the College of Humanities and Sciences in December 1972, and the Master's and Doctoral programs in Education were established in 1979 and 1981, respectively, and have been in existence up to the present.

Since education is a planned change in human behavior, pedagogy studies educational phenomena and the psychological, definitional, and physical characteristics of learners for this purpose, and seeks to achieve planned changes in human behavior through more efficient and competitive educational content, educational systems, and methods.

Educational Goals

The Department of Education operates an educational curriculum that optimally harmonizes the theory and practice of pedagogy with the goal of educating educational specialists such as secondary teachers, educational administrators, and researchers who will lead secondary education in Korea. For this purpose, the department appropriately allocates teachers and lecturers with practical experience in the field of education and the best professors in their fields of specialization according to the characteristics of each subject area to cultivate theoretical and practical skills, decision-making abilities, and research skills in the field of education.

Introducing Our Department's Distinctive Programs

Distinctive Program

  • Educational Site Visits Through the annual first-semester Educational Field Trips, new and current students have time to explore cultural properties of historical significance to education and learn more about "what education is all about." Going on field trips with professors from the Department of Education also allows for a positive mentor-student relationship between professors and undergraduates.
  • The Educator's Garden New students and current students will perform a play on a theme related to education and have time to think about the direction in which education should go. In addition, the student council will lead activities to increase the closeness between new students and current students and improve the sense of belonging in the department.

Department pride

Departmental Club

  • 01

    AllNare.Alumni who wish to obtain a Continuing Education Certificate gather together to plan for the future together, prepare for activities that are often missed, share practical training, career paths, and other Continuing Education-related information, and help each other with alumni.

  • 02

    Recruitment StudyGain extensive knowledge and information about appointments and boost your confidence through active interaction with team members in presentations and discussions.

  • 03

    Volunteer Circle for EducationBy performing educational service teaching students at a specific institution, you will acquire the qualities that aspiring educators should possess.

Career and employment after graduation

Key Licenses and Certifications Obtained

  • Secondary level 2 regular teacher qualification
  • Kindergarten regular teacher level 2 qualification (double major in children's studies))
  • 평Career Educator Level 2 Qualification
  • Youth Counselor Level 3 Certification
  • Youth Instructor

Career Paths After Graduation

Teachers & Instructors
  • Fields of Employment:Education
  • Related CompaniesKindergartens, Nurseries, Junior high school
Educational Planning & Development
  • Fields of EmploymentE-learning, development of teaching materials and tools, lifelong education
  • Related CompaniesUniversity-affiliated research institutes, National research institutes, Distance universities, Parish and educational material manufacturers, Education-related companies, Regional lifelong education institutions, University-affiliated lifelong education centers, Youth counseling and welfare centers
Office & Administration
  • Fields of EmploymentPersonnel and labor affairs, Ducation and training affairs, Educational administrative public service, Vocational counseling and youth counseling
  • Related CompaniesPrefectural education offices, Local administrative agencie, Corporate human resources and general affairs departments, Human resource development institutes, HR consulting firms, Various counseling agencies, Youth counseling welfare centers

Employment cases

2022 Employment and further education
  • Teachers and instructorsTerm teacher, Dream and Education Group Korean language instructor
  • Local civil servantsBusan City general administration civil servants
  • Planning and DevelopmentDong-gu Women's Human Resources Development Center Lotte Culturewix Co. Association for the Promotion of Education and Culture in the Americas
  • E-learning website designEBS
  • lifelong educationSchool of Continuing Education, University of Dong-A
  • Entering a higher-level schoolSeoul National University General Graduate School, Pusan National University General Graduate School
2021 Employment
  • Teacheretitian (Passed the appointment examination), Korean language teacher, Busan Yale Vocational Technical School
  • Education of civil servantsBusan Municipal Office of Educational Administration
  • Educational Planning and DevelopmentHyundai E&C, Eduplex, Donggu Women's Human Resource Development Center, Eduplex
  • Career educationKyungsang University Career Education Center
2020 Employment
  • TeacherSpecialized Counseling Teacher (passed appointment exam), History Teacher (passed appointment exam), Kindergarten Teacher (passed appointment exam), Korean language teacher
  • Planning and DevelopmentCenter for Teaching and Learning Development, University of Dong-A, Department of Information and Computer Science, University of Dong-A
  • Career EducationGANGSEO-GU Office

What Kind of Students Does Our Department Want?

  • Students who have an attitude of listening to and understanding the opinions of youth.
  • Students who are interested in the development and psycho-emotion of youth.
  • Students who are interested in education in general, including the educational system and educational methods.

High school subjects related to the department

학과 관련 고교 교과목 체크표로 국어, 영어, 수학, 사회, 과학 정보제공
Korean language English Math Social Studies Science

Departmental FAQsFeel Free to Ask Anything

  • Q

    What qualifications will I receive upon graduation?

    After applying for teaching, students can obtain a regular teaching certificate in pedagogy (level 2) by completing the required teaching courses. If you teach in more than one major and take the relevant courses, you can also obtain a teaching certificate for those courses.

  • Q

    How can I obtain a Lifelong Educator Certificate?

    After completing all required and elective courses for the Lifelong Educator, you may apply online for certification and receive the certificate. The Department of Education's major required and major elective courses and the Lifetime Educator's required? electives overlap in many courses, and students in the Department of Education can earn the Lifetime Educator credential by simply taking a few additional Lifetime Educator electives.

  • Q

    When is the teacher training period?

    All prospective majors must complete a four-week school field practicum. The field practicum will take place for four weeks in May of the first semester of the fourth year. In order to enroll in the field practicum, students must apply for the practicum through the website during the second semester of their junior year (around the end of December).

학과에 대한 상담을 하고싶으세요?

  • Department inquiry +82-51-200-7074
  • Advising professorGyu-pan Jo, +82-51-200-7075, gyupanc@dau.ac.kr